I became aware of NaPro while attending a GP in Co Meath for a separate matter. I had been trying to have a baby for over 3 years at this stage and by now I was 44 years old. I had 5 miscarriages , 2 of these missed miscarriages where I had to undergo a D&C. I was living my life in a 2 week cycle between ovulation and then the disappointment when a period arrives or the stress of being pregnant and fearing another miscarriage.
I know there are so many issues that can affect fertility. In my case I started spotting blood early in each pregnancy and would eventually miscarry.
I attended a gynaecologist for help. I knew I could get pregnant and I couldn’t hold it, but they did not focus on that. I had a series of blood tests. I underwent egg stimulation using Clomid for 6 cycles but attended their clinic on dates suitable to their service rather than my cycle and when I was actually ovulating. My progesterone and oestrogen were never checked despite requesting it.
My experience with NaPro was very positive. I felt that their practice looked at me as an individual. I was taught how to track my mucus cycle to identify exactly when I was ovulating especially highlighting my most fertile days. Numerous blood tests were done to rule out thyroid dysfunction, immunology screening, dietary intolerances and my progesterone and oestrogen levels were assessed.
It was identified that my oestradiol and progesterone levels were too low to hold a pregnancy so I was prescribed oestrogen and progesterone to take at different stages of my cycle and blood levels were closely monitored. An ovarian ultrasound was carried out to assess the quality of my eggs and to make sure I was ovulating. I had to take supportive meds daily too.
I got pregnant again and I was on oestrogen and progesterone support and my levels were monitored very closely and meds altered as required.
Throughout my pregnancy I was terrified that I would lose our baby but I had no bleeding or spotting during the pregnancy. I suffered side effects from the progesterone meds but they were manageable.
I found it really hard when people told me to ‘enjoy your pregnancy’ as if it’s the best time of your life. I really didn’t relax until our baby was delivered.
We are now parents to a beautiful baby boy. I honestly believe it was the NaPro process that made this possible and I am extremely grateful to Dr Guindon and her team.
Clare & Kevin – September 2020