I would recommend the NaPro method to anyone who is having difficulty conceiving a baby. I believed I would get pregnant with no issues. We got married later in life. By the age of 38, after trying to conceive for 3 years I was advised by my GP to get IVF treatment or seek assistance from NaPro. We decided we wanted to conceive as naturally as possible and decided IVF wasn’t for us.
We contacted and met with Dr. Caroline Guindon, who was friendly and informative. We started the process in July, I was taught how to track my mucus cycle to help me identify my most fertile days to conceive. Numerous blood tests were done to monitor my progesterone and oestrogen levels. We were pregnant by December. I received hormone support for most of my pregnancy and had a healthy baby girl delivered by C-section nine months later. I was closely monitored throughout my fertility journey from conception to delivery by Dr. Caroline.
I am so thankful to NaPro, Dr. Caroline Guindon and her team.
Galway couple – November 2020