The Society of Reproductive Surgeons, a group within the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, work together to help other surgeons in improving the surgical skills necessary to do some basic and most advanced reconstructive pelvic surgeries and foster the development of postgraduate fellowship programs which would have, as one of their major emphases, training in pelvic surgery, microsurgery, laser surgical applications, and so forth. These training programs have grown slowly over the past 10 years, but it is in this area that Surgical NaProTECHNOLOGY has its major focus.

Surgical NaProTECHNOLOGY is a specialized form of gynecologic surgery whose primary aim is to reconstruct the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries in such a way that pelvic adhesive disease can be eliminated and not caused by the surgical procedure itself.

Surgical NaProTECHNOLOGY offers:

  • “Near-Contact” Laparoscopy
  • Surgical removal of endometriosis
  • Wedge Resection for Polycystic Ovaries
  • Preventing Adhesions
  • Selective Hysterosalpingography

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