Presently we have over 100 FertilityCare Centres in Europe.

FertilityCare Centres are operated by specially trained Teacher Practitioners who can teach couples how to document their fertility cycle with precision. Competent providers of the Creighton Model FertilityCare System (CrMS) and NaProTechnology require excellence in education.

The Education Program for FertilityCare™ Practitioners is 13 months in duration and for Natural Family Planning Medical Consultants, it is 6 months in duration. Both of these programs require two 7- to 9-day “total immersion” courses while the remaining portions of the education are done by long distance supervision. The programs are accredited or in the accreditation process by the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals.

For more info contact:

+1(505) 263-3509


Doctor -Medical Consultant Training

Overview of Medical Consultant training – More Here

Medical Consultant Application Information – More Here

All Training programmes will be conducted in English.

A sample booklet from Pope Paul VI Institute is available here.